Wednesday, December 19, 2012

God is a Cat Person

I like dogs, but I've always been a cat person at heart. Cats have free will; dogs don't. You can be an abusive bastard, and your dog will still love you. It's wired into his DNA.

A cat won't put up with that kind of bullshit. If your cat loves you, it proves you are worthy to be a pet owner.

This observation explains my own personal theology. Why did God give us free will? Why did he give us the ability to disobey him, knowing ahead of time that we would?

Because we are cats, not dogs. If we were dogs, we would still love him even if he were a shitty God. It would not glorify him if we were to love him without the ability to do otherwise.

But we are cats. We love God not because it is programmed into us, but because he has proven himself worthy of our love. This gives him the glory that he both craves, and deserves. Our worship is only meaningful because we have the capacity to not worship him.