Wednesday, December 19, 2012

God is a Cat Person

I like dogs, but I've always been a cat person at heart. Cats have free will; dogs don't. You can be an abusive bastard, and your dog will still love you. It's wired into his DNA.

A cat won't put up with that kind of bullshit. If your cat loves you, it proves you are worthy to be a pet owner.

This observation explains my own personal theology. Why did God give us free will? Why did he give us the ability to disobey him, knowing ahead of time that we would?

Because we are cats, not dogs. If we were dogs, we would still love him even if he were a shitty God. It would not glorify him if we were to love him without the ability to do otherwise.

But we are cats. We love God not because it is programmed into us, but because he has proven himself worthy of our love. This gives him the glory that he both craves, and deserves. Our worship is only meaningful because we have the capacity to not worship him.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

When I'm Gone

I spent the day dressed in black
As we came to say goodbye
To an old familiar friend
I heard the people speak
And tried hard not to cry
And the thoughts came to my head
At times like these they often do
I can't help but wonder
What if it was me
Would the tears that we were crying still be true
What will they say when I'm gone
Did I make a good impression
Touch the heart of anyone
Did I live my life the way I should
Did I act with good intention
Did I do all that I could
When I die will they miss me
Or shrug their shoulders and move on
Tell me what
Will they say
When I'm gone
Walking softly on the grass
To a bit of hallowed ground
Where my father's body lay
I came to say hello
But cannot make a sound
In the end I have to ask
If he would be proud of me
"Cause all I ever wanted
For a legacy
Is to be half the man he used to be
I have tried to make a difference
In the lives of those I loved
Be the kind of friend I wish I had
When I was growing up
Be a good husband and father
Do my best when times got tough
Please tell me
Has it been enough
I spent the day dressed in black...
[updated 12/9/2016]

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Overcome Me

I need your help today
'Cause I can't help myself
I try in vain to do things my own way
But only end up hurting someone else

I've spent my whole life as
My own worst enemy
I've wrapped myself in so many chains
The you're the only one to set me free

You've overcome the world
Now overcome me
I stumble in the darkness
'Cause I'm too blind to see
Your plans are so much greater
Than mine could ever be
You've overcome the world
Please overcome me

I don't want to be
The cause of others' sin
Better that I go off by myself
If that's the way the healing can begin

I'll stay inside my shell
Where I can do no harm
Until the day when you have made me well
And given me a shelter from the storm

I have caused so much pain
To the ones that I love
And there's no way I can make it right
So I ask you today
Send your grace from above
And open my eyes so I see the light

Monday, June 11, 2012

Give Me A Reason

The feeling's coming once again
The memories invade and then
The weight of all my past mistakes
Comes crashing over me
Don't know how much more I can take
Before something in me breaks
And I fall apart in pieces
For all the world to see
I am calling out to you
Because it's all that I can do
God, give me a reason to survive
Give me a place where I can hide
Give me something I can hold on to
So I don't lay down and die
Give me a reason to believe
In the things that I can't see
Send your angel now to hold me
And your love to set me free
Am I crying out for help
Or feeling sorry for myself
Or is there really any difference
Looking through your eyes
Now my faith just seems too weak
To find the answers that I seek
Is your mercy great enough
For you to hear my cries
I'm tired of wearing a brave face
While I'm waiting for some grace
And wondering if it's ever going to show
Now I'm begging you today
To send a miracle my way
Because I won't be here tomorrow

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Here With Me (for PT)

I have walked a million miles
And I've seen a million things
Spent the fullness of my life
In the shadow of your wings
Every step along the way
You've been there to hold my hand
Though I didn't always see
Now I finally understand
You are here with me
As I walk through the valley
You're here with me
As I climb the mountain tall
You're here with me
With every step of the journey
You're here with me
To pick me up when I fall
You're everywhere I go
In everything I see
Lord may you always be
Here with me
There is nothing that can take
Away the love you've given me
It's the thing that fuels my heart
And it will eternally
Across every bridge
Behind every door
You're there on the other side
Your light shining through
To banish the dark
There's nowhere that it can hide

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Every Time I Turn Around

I am Judas, the betrayer
I turn my back upon you every day
But when I come to you in prayer
You open up your arms and bid me stay
You're always there to catch me when I fall
You're always there to see me through it all
Every time I turn around you're standing right behind me
Every time I try to run away you always find me
After all my broken promises and bridges that I burn
You're still there every time I turn around
I am Thomas, always doubting
Why do I find it so hard to believe
And even when the proof is shouting
The truth is sometimes so hard to conceive
But your patience and compassion tell me true
I see it every time I look at you
I am Peter and Matthew and Simon and James
And the rest of your unruly band
I am trying to follow, but scared just the same
'Cause there's so much I don't understand
How the love still pours from your hand

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Every year I get asked what I'm giving up for Lent. Well, for one thing, I'm not Catholic. I don't have to give up anything. (No meatless Fridays for me.) Yes, my church does observe Lent, but more as a call to repentance and a time to prepare spiritually for Holy Week. Typically it involves me giving up shaving, not as any kind of observance or ritual, but as a way to have a nice shaggy beard when I play a disciple in our annual play.

A few years ago I decided to play along and tried going off caffeine. Holy crap, what an ordeal! Three weeks of migraine headaches before I finally gave up and stopped torturing myself. I told myself that I would never again subject myself to such a pointless exercise. Who am I doing this for anyways?

Matthew 6:5 And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

I still get asked though, and I usually have a standard joking response - "Celibacy." But this year is different. You see, I've spent the last year and a half pissed off about an ongoing situation beyond my control. I've finally decided to just let it go and not worry about it anymore. I still don't think it's right, but it's no longer my problem. I removed myself from the situation; now it's time to remove the anger and bitterness from my life - put it in a box, wrap it up in shiny paper and a bow, and leave it at the altar.

Here, Jesus. You take it. I don't want it anymore.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Living Water

Help me seek so I can find
And learn to ask for what is mine
Teach me to knock upon your door
And praise your name forevermore
The other things to which I've turned
Have left me cold, have left me burned
They can't compare with what you give
For you I'd die, for you I'll live
Lord fill me up with your living water
'Cause I never want to thirst again
All the wells that I try have all run dry
And I need what comes from God, not men
There is naught that I can do
To earn the love that comes from you
Nothing I have is worth a thing
If it's not from you, my king
Teach me to put no other gods before you
And to love my neighbor as myself
Let my heart and soul and mind adore you
And my eyes to look at nowhere else

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Grace Abounding

Create in me the cleanest heart
And give my soul a brand new start
Don't want to be cast away
It's by your side I want to stay
Lift me to a higher place
And let me feel your saving grace
So I can teach and be a guide
To bring more people to your side 
I want to die to the power of sin and death
I want to live for the one who gives me breath
I want to be an example of righteousness
And grace abounding
Sing to the glory of his name
Who lifted me from the depths of my guilt and shame
Invited me into a kingdom I could not claim
And turned my life around

Deliver me from guiltiness
And I will sing your righteousness
O let my lips be open to
Shouts of joy and praise to you
What can I give to you in love
Things of this world are not enough
A broken heart, the highest price
I give to you in sacrifice
I was broken down in pieces
My soul was scattered 'cross the floor
Now I owe my life to Jesus
And he is what I'm living for

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fight The Good Fight

You're feeling like the whole world is against you
You don't see any point in the struggle anymore
Your enemies have won and left you broken
You wish you would have quit long before

The battle lost, the war still continues
And even though it seems that there is no way to compete
You have the perfect weapon in your corner
And Christ will make your victory complete

Fight the good fight
Take hold of your faith
You are called to face the challenges
To carry on in truth and grace
He'll stand by your side
And give you the strength
You will find in him all you ever need
If you seek his face

You bear the scars of pain and disappointment
And the times that you've been told that you're not worth much at all
But what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger
And Jesus picks you up when you fall

He'll see you through the trials and tribulations
And the times it seems like all your hope is gone
He'll give you courage and the perserverance
To keep on going til the race is won

Monday, January 9, 2012

Let This Be The Year

I know you've had your share of disappointments
The past is not the way it should have been
You're tired of the hand that fate has dealt you
And looking for a way to start again
I know that we're not getting any younger
And I dream about the future we will find
So as I watch the ball drop from the comfort of my easy chair
A new year's resolution comes to mind
Let this be the year
That we find a way to make it happen
Let this be the year
That we go the extra mile
Let this be the year
That we vow to spend our lives together
Let this be the year
That I walk you down the aisle
I want to share with you each hope and joy
Each sorrow and each tear
Oh baby, let this be the year
My life was changed the first time that I saw you
You smiled at me and took hold of my heart
There's no way I could ever live without you
I suffer with each day we spend apart
The hours we're not together pass so slowly
I want to spend forever by your side
So tell me by the next broadcast of New Year's Rockin' Eve
I'll finally get a chance to kiss the bride